Family collects 3 million pop tabs for the House

June 18th, 2014

Cora_Ronald_webJenni Krueger wanted to celebrate her daughter, Cora’s first birthday by collecting 2 million pop can tabs for the House.

Jenni viewed the effort as their way of saying “thank you” for the nights she, and her husband, Bob, and family called our House “home” when Cora had breathing problems at birth.

She enlisted the help of family and friends, Townview Elementary School’s Randy Utzig, who had been collecting pop tabs over five years, and the Beloit community to accomplish the lofty goal.

Well, on June 17, Cora’s first birthday, they beat their goal by presenting the House with THREE MILLION pop tabs!!! They also collected wish list items and cash donations.

This was truly a beautiful and touching way to not only honor Cora’s birthday but to have a positive impact on families facing similar situations.

Check out our Facebook page for more photos!